• +43 (1) 677 677 00 938
  • mail@lazarus-union.international
  • A-1070 VIENNA, Neubaugasse 17-19


The implementation of the 2030 Agenda is to be guided by five overarching principles. These are:

  • Universality,
  • integrated approach,
  • shared responsibility,
  • leaving no one behind, and
  • accountability.

The principles clarify the new quality of the 2030 Agenda and are the basis for individual contributions to implementation.

The 2030 Agenda applies universally to developing, emerging and industrialised countries alike, because every country must change its actions in the sense of sustainable development.

Sustainable development and the achievement of the SDGs are not only a task for governments. They can only be achieved if all actors take joint responsibility and pull together: Governments, businesses, civil society groups, citizens, academia and many more.

This requires the need to work with new instruments, partners and approaches and demands a paradigm shift in international cooperation.

This means taking equal account of the social, environmental, and economic sides of development. The different development challenges are closely interlinked and interdependent. In this context, no goal should be pursued at the expense of another (integrated approach). Economic growth, for example, must not be accompanied by a waste of resources and thus to the detriment of ecosystems on land and in water.

Leaving no one behind means that people with the least development opportunities and the quietest voice should be put at the centre. The people who have the least development opportunities should be reached first.
