• +43 (1) 677 677 00 938
  • mail@lazarus-union.international
  • A-1070 VIENNA, Neubaugasse 17-19


The Lazarus Union is proud to affirm our unwavering commitment to fostering positive transformation through the principles of belief, awareness, and consciousness. Our mission revolves around the core belief that change begins with a collective commitment to raising awareness and fostering consciousness among individuals and communities.

In our pursuit of a better world, we firmly advocate for the profound impact that belief in change can bring about. Believing in change is not merely a passive acknowledgment of possibility; it is an active, empowering stance that propels individuals towards action. It serves as the catalyst for meaningful transformations in both personal and societal spheres.

Raising awareness through presentations in various contexts such as public spaces, social media, classrooms, and seminars is significant in tackling societal challenges. Presentations in public spaces can reach a wide audience and immediately draw attention to current issues. Social media offer the opportunity to spread information virally and sensitise young people in particular. In lessons and seminars, presentations enable a deeper examination of problems, promote critical thinking and facilitate constructive dialogue.

Through our various initiatives, we strive to cultivate awareness and consciousness as integral components of our approach. We recognize that true and lasting change can only be achieved when individuals are informed and conscious of the challenges faced by society. By promoting awareness, we empower people to make informed decisions, instigate conversations, and take proactive steps towards positive change.

At Lazarus Union, we understand that building consciousness involves addressing root causes and encouraging a deep understanding of interconnected issues. Our programs and campaigns aim to engage individuals in thoughtful dialogue, encouraging them to explore the intricacies of social, environmental, and economic challenges. By fostering consciousness, we believe we can create a ripple effect that extends beyond individual actions to bring about systemic change.

As we reflect on our journey, we remain dedicated to the principles of belief, awareness, and consciousness. We invite individuals, organizations, and communities to join us in this collective endeavor to create a world where positive change is not only believed in but actively pursued.

Together, let us be the architects of a future where belief in change is matched by conscious, informed actions, and where the power of awareness transforms lives and societies for the better.
