• +43 (1) 677 677 00 938
  • mail@lazarus-union.international
  • A-1070 VIENNA, Neubaugasse 17-19

Medalha da Bênção

Although the Lazarus Union cannot be assigned to a certain religious group because the Lazarus Union considers religion as a purely private concern the Holy Father Pope Francis gave the Lazarus Union his Apostolic Blessing and offered his congratulations through the Apostolic Nuncio in Austria, Archbishop Dr. Peter Zurbriggen.

Therefore the Presidium of the Lazarus Union decided to dedicate the next worldwide charity campaign to the Holy Father and found the

„Blessing Medal“

for this reason. This blessed medal will be produced in a strictly limited edition (500 pieces).

You may order this medal in our Web Shop. Please do not forget to tell us the name to appear in the certificate, the exact address

Everyone, not just members of the Lazarus Union, can and should take part in this action! Please pass it on!
