International Day of Epidemic Preparedness: December 27 As we approach the International Day of Epidemic Preparedness on December 27, it is crucial to reflect on the lessons learned from recent […]

International Day of Epidemic Preparedness: December 27 As we approach the International Day of Epidemic Preparedness on December 27, it is crucial to reflect on the lessons learned from recent […]
„DAS SEIN BESTIMMT DAS BEWUSSTSEIN“ (K. Marx) In einer kleinen Stadt, vielleicht irgendwo zwischen den zerbombten Häusern der Ukraine, den staubigen Lagern des Südsudan oder den brennenden Trümmern im Nahen […]
“BEING DETERMINES CONSCIOUSNESS” (K. Marx)An alternative Christmas story In a small town, perhaps somewhere between the bombed-out houses of Ukraine, the dusty camps of South Sudan or the burning rubble […]
International Human Solidarity Day – A Day to Reflect on Our Shared Humanity Every year on December 20th, the world observes International Human Solidarity Day, a day dedicated to promoting […]
International Day of Neutrality On December 12, the world celebrates the International Day of Neutrality, a day dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of neutrality in fostering peace, cooperation, […]
On 10 December each year, Human Rights Day commemorates the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948. This document, a milestone […]
International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide and of the Prevention of this Crime On December 9th, the world observes the International Day […]
December 9th: International Anti-Corruption Day Each year on December 9, the world observes International Anti-Corruption Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness about the harmful effects of corruption on societies […]
International Day of Persons with Disabilities: Every year on December 3rd, the world comes together to observe the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD), a day dedicated to promoting […]