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Secretary-General’s message on Peacebuilding Day 2024 

There is no higher calling than the pursuit of peace.

But in far too many countries and communities around the world, peace is missing. Conflicts and violence are spreading a plague of misery, suffering and death that affects millions of people each year.

Reversing this trend requires our individual and collective actions to forge peace.

It requires the timeless tools of dialogue, diplomacy and negotiation.

It requires a steadfast commitment to humanitarian aid to ease people’s suffering.  

It requires effective support for sustainable development and the implementation of the SDGs.

It requires focusing on prevention, as called for in the New Agenda for Peace, to build trust, heal divisions, spur development, and stem the tide of violence in communities before it spins out of control.

O.M. GRUBER-LAVIN, Syrien 1990/91

It requires peacebuilding. 

On this important day, the United Nations family salutes the tireless women and men around the world who are building strong foundations of peace for today and tomorrow.
We will never give up fighting for peace, and are proud to stand with peacebuilders everywhere in this essential effort.
