Im Rahmen eines Treffens des Verbindungskommandos im Landkreis Schwandorf wurden zwei Angehörige der Reserve der Deutschen Bundeswehr für ihren Einsatz in der Bekämpfung der COVID-19-Pandemie geehrt. Die Lazarus Union verlieh... Read more
Lazarus Union launches peace initiative UA/RU
Call for an active policy of neutrality and remembrance of Vienna as a place of mediation
Vienna, 28 June 2024 – At a time when the conflict between the Russian Federation and Ukraine continues to dominate global consciousness, the Lazarus Union is launching a peace initiative to refocus awareness and discussion on achieving a ceasefire and, subsequently, peaceful coexistence.
The 28th of June remains a prominent date in history due to the assassination of 1914 and the signing of the Treaty of Versailles in 1919. In historiography, this day is often seen as a turning point that led the world into one of the most devastating conflicts. In the present day, this date could serve as an opportunity to reflect on the lessons of history and emphasise the importance of peace and international cooperation
Aim of the initiative: The Lazarus Union, an international NGO with general consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, calls for the promotion of an immediate ceasefire followed by negotiations leading to stable and lasting peaceful coexistence between the Russian Federation and Ukraine. In this context, the Lazarus Union calls on the Austrian Federal Government to re-assert its traditional role as a neutral country and to become actively involved in mediation and peacebuilding.
Vienna as a centre of mediation: Vienna has established itself in the past as an important place for international diplomacy and mediation. The Lazarus Union proposes that Vienna should once again serve as a platform for peace talks and negotiations between the Russian Federation and Ukraine. The city offers not only a neutral environment, but also a long tradition of peace-building and diplomatic successes.
Reminder of historical mediation successes: The initiative is based on historical examples, such as the summit meeting between Nikita Khrushchev and John F. Kennedy in Vienna in 1961, which impressively demonstrates how diplomatic efforts and negotiations can lead to détente and ultimately to peaceful solutions. This historical responsibility and Austria’s proven policy of neutrality should now once again be at the centre of efforts.
Appeal to the Austrian Federal Government: The Lazarus Union appeals to the Austrian Federal Government to pursue an active policy of neutrality and to use all diplomatic means to support the peace process. It is crucial that Austria resumes its full role as a neutral and mediating country at this critical time.
Conclusion: The Lazarus Union firmly believes that through joint engagement, dialogue, and diplomatic efforts a ceasefire and ultimately peaceful coexistence can be achieved. We call on the international community, state, and non-state actors, as well as civil society, to support peace initiatives and work together to pave the way to sustainable peace.