• +43 (1) 677 677 00 938
  • mail@lazarus-union.international
  • A-1070 VIENA, Neubaugasse 17-19

Cruz de Honor del General Plenipotenciario

Directrices de adjudicación

In general: This decoration will be awarded for outstanding support to the General Plenipotentiary concerning his work for the Lazarus Union and special loyalty to the person of the General Plenipotentiary.

No es posible presentar una solicitud para uno mismo.

Medalla de Honor: For outstanding support
Medalla de Honor 1st Clase: For continuous outstanding support
Medalla de Gran Honor en Plata: For extraordinary and outstanding support
Medalla de Gran Honor en Oro: For extraordinary, continuous outstanding support
Nivel especial: Cruz del Cuello por méritos y apoyo muy especiales, extraordinarios, continuados y sobresalientes


This award cannot be requested. It is awarded by the General Plenipotentiary of the LAZARUS UNION alone in individual Evaluation of the Merits on the Basis of his personal decision!
