• +43 (1) 677 677 00 938
  • mail@lazarus-union.international
  • A-1070 VIENA, Neubaugasse 17-19

Premios generales

Distinctions that can be applied for and the original insignia usually being awarded for an insignia fee. A third party must forward the application. It is not possible to apply for yourself!

  • Medalla de Honor al Mérito Especial
  • Medalla de Honor de las Misiones
  • Medalla de Honor de la Humanidad
  • Medal of Honour UN-NGO
  • Medal of Honour Academy
  • Medalla de Honor del Cuerpo Naval
  • Medalla de Honor del Cuerpo de Músicos
  • Medalla de Honor de la Amistad

The special feature of this category is the fact that each person can apply for a decoration for each person. Of course, the application must be justified and it is up to the Lazarus Union to decide upon the level of the award.

Awarding Guidelines
