Every year on 5th of March, the International Day for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Awareness reminds the global community that peace, security and sustainable development are inextricably linked to disarmament and […]

Every year on 5th of March, the International Day for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Awareness reminds the global community that peace, security and sustainable development are inextricably linked to disarmament and […]
Dear members, friends and supporters of the Lazarus Union, the year 2025 marks a special milestone in our history. We are celebrating our 15th anniversary – 15 years of tirelessly […]
We understand that platforms and social networks are constantly changing and that sometimes you want to break new ground. That’s why we’re happy to announce that we’re now also on […]
Every November, we come together to raise awareness, share knowledge, and support those affected by diabetes. Diabetes Awareness Month is a vital time to focus on prevention, education, and empowerment […]
United Nations Day, celebrated on October 24, marks the anniversary of the adoption of the UN Charter in 1945, a landmark document that laid the foundation for international cooperation and […]
Einleitung Nächstenliebe ist mehr als nur ein Akt des Gebens; sie ist eine starke Kraft, die Grenzen, Kulturen und Überzeugungen überwindet. Bei der Lazarus Union steht die Nächstenliebe im Mittelpunkt [...]
Non-Profit-Organisationen in Österreich leisten fast 840 Millionen Arbeitsstunden pro Jahr. Das zeigt eine Erhebung für das Jahr 2021, die die Statistik Austria im Auftrag des Ministeriums [...]