The Project “Government-to-government transfers . . . are an excellent method for transferring money from poor people in rich countries to rich people in poor countries.”Lord Peter Bauer.[1] Angus Deaton, […]

The Project “Government-to-government transfers . . . are an excellent method for transferring money from poor people in rich countries to rich people in poor countries.”Lord Peter Bauer.[1] Angus Deaton, […]
BACKGROUND Sustainable industrialisation can have many positive effects on cultural heritage. Industrialisation leads to the creation of new jobs and an increase in productivity, which in turn leads to an […]
ECONOMIC BACKGROUND & FRAMEWORK CONDITIONS The wholly state-owned National Enterprise Corporation (NEC) has founded a company called “Beef & Beans Ltd.” as part of a joint venture. This NEC JV, […]
PROJECT PARTNERS: IRONBRIDGE is a general contractor that offers complete, ecological, efficient, and cost-effective solutions for projects in the field of sustainable industrialisation. The transfer of technology is linked to […]
The Lazarus Union, as an international NGO, brings a wealth of expertise and resources to elevate your event experience in several ways: Overall, the Lazarus Union’s international reach, expertise in […]
At Lazarus Union, we take pride in our unwavering commitment to compliance and the pursuit of meaningful impact. We understand that adherence to ethical standards, legal requirements, and best practices […]
The Lazarus Union is proud to affirm our unwavering commitment to fostering positive transformation through the principles of belief, awareness, and consciousness. Our mission revolves around the core belief that […]
The Lazarus Union, as an international non-governmental organization (NGO), adopts the practice of wearing uniforms for several reasons, particularly in the context of its involvement in international missions. Here’s a […]
THE LEADERSHIP ACADEMY IS THE CENTRAL CENTRE FOR TRAINING MEMBERS OF THE LAZARUS UNION.(To standardise the internal instruction for members of the “LAZARUS UNION Leadership Academy“ was established effect 1. […]
“The Guard of Honour should be the figurehead of the Lazarus Union, representing its discipline and order! It should therefore be regarded by everyone as a privilege to be a […]