„DAS SEIN BESTIMMT DAS BEWUSSTSEIN“ (K. Marx) In einer kleinen Stadt, vielleicht irgendwo zwischen den zerbombten Häusern der Ukraine, den staubigen Lagern des Südsudan oder den brennenden Trümmern im Nahen […]

„DAS SEIN BESTIMMT DAS BEWUSSTSEIN“ (K. Marx) In einer kleinen Stadt, vielleicht irgendwo zwischen den zerbombten Häusern der Ukraine, den staubigen Lagern des Südsudan oder den brennenden Trümmern im Nahen […]
“BEING DETERMINES CONSCIOUSNESS” (K. Marx)An alternative Christmas story In a small town, perhaps somewhere between the bombed-out houses of Ukraine, the dusty camps of South Sudan or the burning rubble […]
As the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month draws near, we gather not only to remember but to renew a promise born in the mud and […]
The Olympic idea between ideal and reality This essay reflects the private opinion of O.M. Gruber-Lavin only, and is not an official statement of the Lazarus Union The Olympic Games […]
The Delphic Games, also known as the Pythian Games, are a little-known but fascinating facet of ancient Greek culture. These games, held in Delphi in honour of the god Apollo, […]
The Olympic Games have their origins in ancient Greece, where they were first held in Olympia in 776 BC. These games were part of a religious festival in honour of […]