The Open Data Charter (ODC) – a collaboration between more than 170 governments and organizations working to make data open and freely available while protecting the rights of people and […]

The Open Data Charter (ODC) – a collaboration between more than 170 governments and organizations working to make data open and freely available while protecting the rights of people and […]
The Lazarus Union will: Lazarus Union takes a risk-based approach to determine when enhanced due diligence is required to understand, assess and address potential human rights violations associated with all […]
The Project “Government-to-government transfers . . . are an excellent method for transferring money from poor people in rich countries to rich people in poor countries.”Lord Peter Bauer.[1] Angus Deaton, […]
BACKGROUND Sustainable industrialisation can have many positive effects on cultural heritage. Industrialisation leads to the creation of new jobs and an increase in productivity, which in turn leads to an […]
The Lazarus Union, as an international NGO, brings a wealth of expertise and resources to elevate your event experience in several ways: Overall, the Lazarus Union’s international reach, expertise in […]
At Lazarus Union, we take pride in our unwavering commitment to compliance and the pursuit of meaningful impact. We understand that adherence to ethical standards, legal requirements, and best practices […]