THE LEADERSHIP ACADEMY IS THE CENTRAL CENTRE FOR TRAINING MEMBERS OF THE LAZARUS UNION.(To standardise the internal instruction for members of the “LAZARUS UNION Leadership Academy“ was established effect 1. […]

THE LEADERSHIP ACADEMY IS THE CENTRAL CENTRE FOR TRAINING MEMBERS OF THE LAZARUS UNION.(To standardise the internal instruction for members of the “LAZARUS UNION Leadership Academy“ was established effect 1. […]
The Urgent Call to Address Fast Fashion Introduction: Fast fashion has emerged as a global phenomenon, characterized by rapid production, low-cost garments, and quick turnover of trends. While it offers […]
The Lazarus Union expects all persons and organizations with whom it has relationships to respect human rights. The Lazarus Union will seek to avoid knowingly engaging in activities where it […]
The implementation of the 2030 Agenda is to be guided by five overarching principles. These are: Universality, integrated approach, shared responsibility, leaving no one behind, and accountability. The principles clarify […]
1992 The Rio Conference The history of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) originally began in 1992, the year the United Nations convened a conference on environment and development in Rio […]
To successfully implement the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a comprehensive financing base is needed that goes beyond official development assistance. In addition to public and private funds, politics should […]
Without peaceful and inclusive societies and good governance, development is demonstrably not sustainable. The restoration of peace and accountable institutions contributes significantly to development. Goal 16 therefore aims to promote […]
The conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity are crucial for social and economic development as well as for human survival. The loss of forest cover threatens human well-being, with the […]
Climate change is a key challenge for sustainable development. The warming of the earth’s atmosphere endangers the livelihoods of large sections of the population in less developed regions of the […]
Pollution and overexploitation of the oceans are increasingly causing problems, such as the acute threat to biodiversity, ocean acidification and increasing plastic waste. A growing world population will be even […]