Im Rahmen eines Treffens des Verbindungskommandos im Landkreis Schwandorf wurden zwei Angehörige der Reserve der Deutschen Bundeswehr für ihren Einsatz in der Bekämpfung der COVID-19-Pandemie geehrt. Die Lazarus Union verlieh […]

Im Rahmen eines Treffens des Verbindungskommandos im Landkreis Schwandorf wurden zwei Angehörige der Reserve der Deutschen Bundeswehr für ihren Einsatz in der Bekämpfung der COVID-19-Pandemie geehrt. Die Lazarus Union verlieh […]
Awarding guidelines In general: This decoration will be awarded for outstanding support to the General Plenipotentiary concerning his work for the Lazarus Union and special loyalty to the person of the […]
Awarding Guidelines: In general: This decoration will be awarded for outstanding personal merits concerning the maintenance of music in all its facets and colours, of musical comradeship and mutual support […]
Awarding Guidelines: This decoration will be awarded for outstanding personal merits concerning the maintenance of friendship, comradeship and connection inside and outside the Lazarus Union and to the Lazarus Union. […]
Awarding Guidelines: This decoration will be awarded for outstanding personal merits concerning the maintenance of the worldwide navy tradition, the comradeship at sea and ashore, the worldwide maritime shipping and […]
Awarding Guidelines: This decoration will be awarded for outstanding personal humanity for the benefit of all fellow humans and in the sense of humanity. It is not possible to submit […]
Awarding guidelines This decoration will be awarded for outstanding merits for the Lazarus Union either by personal commitment or by using connections for the benefit of the Lazarus Union and […]
Application Guidelines: This decoration will be awarded for outstanding personal commitment and for the benefit of the Lazarus Union or for other public institutions and charitable organisations (e.g. Voluntary Fire […]
In 2020 the International Lazarus Union and its Knighthood of Honour celebrated the 10th jubilee titular seat of the Lazarus Union – among others with a great Investiture Ceremony and […]
Although the Lazarus Union cannot be assigned to a certain religious group because the Lazarus Union considers religion as a purely private concern the Holy Father Pope Francis gave the […]