Every November, we come together to raise awareness, share knowledge, and support those affected by diabetes. Diabetes Awareness Month is a vital time to focus on prevention, education, and empowerment […]

Every November, we come together to raise awareness, share knowledge, and support those affected by diabetes. Diabetes Awareness Month is a vital time to focus on prevention, education, and empowerment […]
United Nations Day, celebrated on October 24, marks the anniversary of the adoption of the UN Charter in 1945, a landmark document that laid the foundation for international cooperation and […]
New leadership of the Lazarus Union Austria Gen. (SCLI) Peter Scherer, CFO of the Lazarus Union International, was entrusted with the interim management of the Lazarus Union Austria (CSLA) by […]
Today we said farewell to our comrade Ewald Angetter, Brigadier (ret.), member of the Lazarus Union and a Knight of Honour from the very beginning. Address by the Grand Master […]
With this statement, the Lazarus Union would like to commemorate the criminal attack by Hamas on Israel a year ago. This attack cost countless lives and changed the lives of […]
Als Generalbevollmächtigter der Lazarus Union ist es meine traurige Pflicht Euch mitzuteilen, dass unser Kamerad Leo Ewald Angetter, Brigadier i.R. und Vizepräsident des Aufsichtsrates der Lazarus Union am Mittwoch, dem […]